Hola a todos!! :D
Solo una entrada rapida que es es para avisarles del articulo de la Feature y articulo de noticias que hize hace poco sobre el concurso llamado "Linking the Seasons" vean aqui el journal esta bien chido porque ese mes estaban ofreciendo por tiempo limitado cualquier skin para el journal aunque no tuvieras una membresia premium, y cuando tienes skin si se pueden ver las fotos!! :D
Ademas, vean mi NOTICIA Ah! Y aqui les pongo los comentarios de la gente que muy amablemente me agradeció por la feature y el articulo, es lindo que la gente se tome su tiempo para hacer algo asi, por eso los recopile en este articulo, no se pierdan la noticia, en serio, hay muchas fotos y todas son espectaculares!!! :D Oh, casi lo olvido, en la foto Tranquil Minds de r3novatio (Pagina 20) esta el comentario original que hice a la foto mas espectacular, bueno, una de ellas, porque fueron 2.
Este es el mensaje que les envia al las dos fotos mas espectaculares:
Hiya there mate!
I found this pic thanks to "Nature photographer" because I was in charge of making a news article and feature prize of the contest "The linking seasons" Your really gorgeous photo was featured here [link] Maybe it's a bit late, but I wanted to take my time to make something elegant and nice, also something more personal, more detailed, not just say "here's the winner" like many other features I've seen, so I hope you like it! ^^
I'm SO so glad l you participated in the contest otherwise I wouldn't have seen your incredible photo! I loved it a lot, it's splendorous!! I was sure it would win the first place!...Well, if it was a judge I would have chosen it!
El de las fotos que mas me gustaron pero no ganaron. Se los di a todos los ganadores y los que fueron mencion honorifica:
"Hiya there mate!
I found your work thanks to "Nature photographer" because I was in charge of making a news article and feature prize of the contest "The linking seasons" Your gorgeous photo was featured here [link] Maybe it's a bit late, but I wanted to take my time to make something elegant and nice, also something more personal, more detailed, not just say "here's the winner" like many other features I've seen, so I hope you like it! ^^
I'm SO glad you participated in the contest otherwise I wouldn't have seen your photo! I loved it a lot, it's simply gorgeous!! I was sure this could win!...Well, if it was a judge I would have chosen it!"
Quienes me han dado solo las gracias en su perfil o en la foto:
r3novatio: al final me dijo "wow thank you so much for all the support" pero lo que me asombro de el fue su firma porque es padre, decia "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
Marinaretta, fr1digity, LilySANDRITA87, SchwarzWieEbenholZ, PASOV, xshadyblues13x Y estos otros fueron los que me han dicho alguna cosa en especial, o alguna cosa mas.
the-arkz: what a wonderful thing you've done thank you very much
8TwilightAngel8 perfil: thank you very much!! i'm glad you liked it so much and thanks for putting it in your news article!
debgay: Thank you for including my photo in your news article. I read all of it and it was very nicely written. I hope one day you can take photos again.
JoseMelim en su foto: Thanks a lot for your words. I already visited the article and the pieces you have chosen are great. I'm glad you liked my picture, and feel happy to see it among such wonderful works.
WynterOne: Thanks for the love Atrix! (And being in the feature!)
I am off to visit all those other amazing photogs that submitted to the contest!
iconCrazyMurdock1: Oh wow I'm really glad you liked my photo! Thank you so much for your kind words I appreciate your support immensely!
burnoutbright: Thank you very much for your kind words and the feature! That was so sweet of you.
fotolympus: Thank you so so so so much !!!!!!!
You're too kind I`m so glad you like my work and I appreciate all you have done.
asleyDcrouse: Thank you so much for your kind words, and the feature! They are both really appreciated!
Voyageure: Aww that's very very kind of you! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the feedback. It's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts anyway.
rotyoung dijo en mi perfil: Thank you for the article! I'm sure you made a lot of people very happy. Thankx for sharing!
drcrawdford dijo en my perfil: i really appreciate all of your kind words. brings a smile to my face! i am honored you like my work and approve of it! its the support i get here from everyone that makes me strive to get better, so really, i owe you many thanks!
Theta-Scorpii: Wow, I'm speechless. You definitely made my day, thank you :icontighthug:
SilivrenTinu: en my perfil: Aw, thank you so much, both for the kind words and for the feature! It's wonderful that you liked my pic so much!
Babby-imtemito dijo en la foto: Thank you very much! I loved to receive your comment and I am really happy you've enjoyed my photo! I hoped to win the contest, but unluckily I didn't ...maybe next time! Thank you again for the comment and the feature...and exuse me for my bad English! XD
victor23081981 en su perfil: Thank you very much for your support! I realy apreciate it!
AndrewPoison dijo en su perfil: "Thank you very much for that nice comment and for the feature, of course :D Jeah, I also hoped for a win (3rd place or better ^^) in this contest. Would be a great gift for my first year anniversary of "being deviant" (or better: being official deviant ^^). But hey, I also accept daily deviations " Luego yo le dije que si queria yo podria darle un regalo por su aniversaro en dA, y esto fue lo que me respondió! "Thanks again my dear, nice to know. I'll probably ask you to draw a picture of my girl- friend as a little gift for her in the future. Thanks for your offer If I could do you a favour just tell me"
Duskmourne dijo en su perfil: Thank you very much for the feature, and for the nice comments. It is really appreciated!
dukeofspade dijo en su perfil: thank you so much :hug: i didn't make it to the finals but the one who linked me made it to the final and i was happy for that and it was so fun and exciting when i join the contest. i never expect to have that comments i recieved i was so honored because i'm just so amatuer and some great artists likes my work and i'm proud to be a member of because that's what i want to do MORE soon to capture naturethanks again for your lovely feature it means a lot to me :hug:
Nota: este articulo se termino de hacer el 6 de noviembre de 2010, y en esa fecha se publico.
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